
Friday, July 13, 2012

Titanic; it was not so unusual to find a Bible in life boat number seven/ part 2/draft 1

Titanic; it was not so unusual to find a Bible in life boat number seven/ part 2/ draft 1

edward w pritchard

Mr. Murdoch first officer Titanic watched the company President Bruce Ismay with detached interest. The unthinkable had happened, Titanic was sinking, it was 12:45 AM April 15, 1913 and the first life boat, number seven was being launched. Ismay was standing next to boat five watching the men lower boat seven in the water. Ismay was wearing his slippers, Officer Murdoch would remember later.

Like officer Murdoch, Ismay was watching the American actress Dorothy Gibson help her Mother into the seat of lifeboat number seven. The men were having trouble getting women to board the lifeboats. Dorothy Gibson was a captivating woman and Officer Murdoch had been watching Miss Gibson as she climbed into the life boat. Both Murdoch and President of White Star Lines Ismay were watching the beautiful Miss Gibson climb into boat seven which was going to be launched first from the sinking Titanic. The life boat was only half full Officer Murdoch recalled later.

Another lady in boat seven had found a bible in the storage compartment when she was looking for the biscuits the night baker Belford had made. Murdoch heard the lady read the name of the owner of the bible, it was written inside the front cover. Colleen Kirksey, Belfast Ireland said aloud the lady sitting near the beautiful American actress Dorothy Gibson. Colleen Kirksey had left her bible in the storage box and it was bookmarked to The Lord is my Sheperd, I shall not want. The lady began to read it to the other passengers in boat seven as the crew lowered the boat into the Atlantic Ocean.

Frantically Ismay who was standing  by boat five listening to the reading of The Lord is my Shepard being read from Colleen Kirksey's bible began to yell three times Colleen Kirksey, Colleen Kirksey, Colleen Kirksey.

Fifth Officer Lowe looked at Company President Ismay with disgust. Waving his arms wildly Ismay screamed at Lowe, lower away, lower away, lower away.

Lowe screamed at Ismay " If you will get out of the way I will be able do something" Several of the men reported that later.

Without a word Ismay took the insults and skulked to life boat three.

Later at one of the hearings Officer Murdoch was asked how the bible got into the locker in boat seven and if he knew who Colleen Kirksy was.

No, said Murdoch but somehow I feel as if Bruce Ismay knew who Colleen Kirksey was.  How so?

Well I heard Ismay repeating the name on the Carpathian going to New York said Murdoch, he always said her name in threes very softly, Colleen Murdoch, Colleen Murdoch, Colleen Murdoch. Then Mr. Ismay would say three times, Even God can't sink Titanic, Even God can't sink Titanic, Even God can't sink Titanic.

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