
Monday, September 7, 2015

one summer as a Hippy

one Summer as a Hippy

edward w pritchard

What happen to all the Hippies who didn't have to scrimp to pay car insurance, go to the Dentist,  watch calories, use sunscreen or take cholesterol pills?

What happen to all the Hippies who had girlish figures, green eyes, long hair, intriguing flamboyant personalities and stopped by the apartment unannounced carrying a bottle of no name non vintage wine?

What happen to all the Hippies who laughed when they got a low draft number, covered their eyes with their right hand and hung their heads when they heard about the dead students at Kent or Jackson State?

What happened to all the Hippies who hated Nixon, drove a VW, stared at the planets from the second story apartment window and wanted for everybody to do their own thing without hassle?

What happened to the Summer of 1969 when all were young and nothing was hurried or planned and introverted people could watch the Hippies hold hands and dance joyously around a campfire while the rest stood watching having one beer feeling part of the zeitgeist of Youth.

What happen to the Summer of Love of 1967 and why did alienation, ennui and doleful hassle become one's companions?

What happen to survivors bias of Happiness and why are some always alone in a crowd, what ever  endless Summer's epic Movement is de rigueur or du jure?

What happen to d'amour; where did endless time go and how long is now this Winter?

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