
Thursday, April 22, 2010

reluctantly very reluctantly

reluctantly very reluctantly

edward w pritchard

Reluctantly very reluctantly Mr. Simmons accepted the asphalt job over at the church. The church was disbanding and would soon join with a larger congregation. The church was being sold to a used car dealer who would open in 45 days. The church had agreed to include the paving of the lot in the sale without consulting Mr. Simmons, church member and asphalt expert, and the job was a money loser. Reluctantly Mr. Simmons the asphalt contractor allowed his minister Pastor Thomas to convince him to do the job at cost.

Eighty two members of the small congregation showed up on the appropriate day of the paving. All wanted to help. The used car dealership owner stopped at about ten to check the work in progress. People were everywhere working on smoothing out asphalt, stirring pots of asphalt and of course the usual trucks and supervisors. When the car dealer redid the gigantic lot over by the expressway in the spring he gave the job to Mr. Simmons without competitive bidding. About a dozen of the old congregation have bought cars over at the new lot. The car dealer donates a lot of money to the churches raffles and fund raising schemes.

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