
Monday, September 20, 2010

a fire is process but the wood is life itself

a fire is process but the wood is life itself

edward w pritchard

A fire is a process but the wood is life itself. A man sparks the fire originally but then rather than destroy the wood, the wood is transformed by the fire. The wood becomes ash which with time gestates with the ground to create new life.

Once the man has sparked the fire he then watches the Mother transform and twenty years later he is still bound to his children. The fire flairs and rages singeing the tree of the Father's soul year in and out until he at at last returns to the ash from which he came, previously gestated by his Mother and sparked by his Father. His children continue the process forward.

And the Mother, of his children? She remains bounded to him despite the ravages of storms or idiosyncrasies of their characters. She nurtured new life and she is the conduit through which life continues.

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