
Sunday, September 5, 2010

painting the tape

painting the tape

edward w pritchard

see also cell phone messages Jan 16, 2010

I called my invention, at least the technique that i received the patent for, painting the tape. I loved to read about the early stock market manipulators who used to mislead other plungers and high rollers by making a series of trades [ called painting the tape] of a stock, usually at the open or close; so that the symbol of that stock when it ran across the ticker tape; would be especially noticed and confuse or reassure the general public. Before stock market regulation it was common, after regulation it was common also but on a larger scale.

Painting the tape, my patented invention, involved with the help of technology, delivered through a simple cell phone, assigning a three initial symbol to each significant person in the customer's [ who buy my service] life, that is present or past associates. I also made a standard set of historical characters that came pre-packaged as part of the program.

Once done, at the push of a button, for a fee of course, on the customers end, through the cell phone, they receive an electronic reminder to their brain that "duns" them to think about a certain individual or group of individuals. It causes remarkable thoughts and is a pleasant way to spend a few hours. It's a good way to get normal people to think of things besides "business". Many people of course just use it as a reminder system to think about Mother-in -laws, ex-lovers or forgotten friends. The painting the tape reference is appropriate because it is a way to remind people to take special notice of someone who they may have forgotten or pushed from their memory who using my service will remind and alert them to notice, at least in their mind from time to time.

Many individuals spend hours and hours painting the tape, just to relieve the boredom of life maybe. As I advertise it's cheaper than calling or going to see someone and a whole lot easier.

Unfortunately I have not yet covered the cost on my invention. Excessive legal fees from unintended consequences are breaking me; but I am optimistic that with time I can make some real money with my new invention.

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