
Sunday, April 3, 2011

let's get the economy back on track

let's get the economy back on track

edward w pritchard

Let's get the economy back on track.

More workers at the defense plant over next to the municipal airport mean more cars are available to fill the parking lots. More cars at the lots mean more lots are needed which means more paving contracts to build the lots. More workers at the defense plants driving and then walking into their jobs from the new parking lots and more paving industry employees working to build the new lots in the hot sun: means more health insurance is needed to pay for the health care for the workers sweating to build the lots in the hot sun. Workers building parking lots in the hot sun must watch their health which means more people stopping after working in the hot sun to get a beer, since beer is good for your health and well being. More people stopping to buy beer at local establishments means more workers in that industry which means more people working which means more people need cars to drive to work which means more schools to educate their children which mean more politicians to promote new taxes to pay for schools and policemen to guard students and auto salesmen and teachers and defense industry workers and politicians and people who make or sell beer. All those new workers and jobs make the economy strong.

A strong economy means more new soldiers to protect the policemen who protect the defense industry workers who build the weapons which win the latest undeclared war which created the demand for weapons which fueled the explosive job creation which put everybody to work. Every body working means more security guards to protect the neighborhoods where the writers live who complain about the undeclared wars.

The economy is self sustaining and the market always wins, as long as no-one interferes with the natural order of things.

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