
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Wear the badge just over your heart if you are going to be the Sheriff

Wear the badge just over your heart if you are going to be the Sheriff

Edward w Pritchard

Un-pure thoughts spring to mind when I contemplate your Heart my Dear.

Wear the badge just over your heart my angel on a black vest if you are going to be the Sheriff.

I like the way the badge sways across your chest when you walk or undulate your arms rhythmically  over your head my sunshine.

Remind me my lady I have forgotten my crimes; why don't you remove the vest and boots to press up against me in the shower anymore?

Approach me slowly taking small steps with your legs apart when you confront me at high noon on main street for our meeting with destiny my sparrow. I'll let you draw first and I'll say something memorable after I fall like " do not forsake me oh my darling".

If it's not too much trouble drag me out to boot Hill and bury me without a marker. It would be nice though if you would pin your badge to a crooked stick and drive it into the thorny ground heaped over me.

If you don't feel like singing please "whistle a tune that will carry me back to old Tombstone Territory."

buried on boot hill with no marker

Edward w Pritchard

For over a century I felt a certain distinction to be buried on boot hill with no marker. Eventually however my lack of respectability and status began to gnaw at me and I began to contemplate how to remedy my situation by changing how I would face the rest of my time in eternity.

I've decided  to become a tourist attraction. Now that I know what I want it shouldn't be so hard to accomplish my goals.

" whistle a tune that will carry me back to tombstone territory"  by William Backer Esteem music

" do not forsake me oh my darling" from "High Noon" sung by Tex Ritter written by Ned Washington

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