
Sunday, May 8, 2011

man is I dumb

man is I dumb

edward w pritchard

I am so dumb. I didn't excel in college and I never won any Fulbright awards. The Clinton's never consult me. They rush off billions of dollars and troops to Pakistan and Afghanistan based on our need, duty, and self interest as America to keep nuclear weapons from terrorists and thereby to protect the Chinese, Russians and the people of India who are near Pakistan from harm.

Both Republicans and Democrats pursue the same strategies toward the situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan with Democrats becoming more militant lately. In fairness, the Democrats, that supposed to be the more humane party, point out that they got it right; the spectre of terrorism was in Pakistan and Afghanistan, not Iraq. We spend a lot of money, but it's not real money, it's government money. We start wars but have trouble knowing when they are won and over.

I don't understand it. I spent years studying history in college and voraciously read about historical events in Rome, Greece, Ancient Egypt and I have some expertise on life at various times in history around the Mediterranean Sea. I took a class once on the history of India, and again on China and another on the Spread of Muslim Civilization.

Maybe I need to study a little about Senator Fulbright. He was a segregationist who signed the Southern Manifesto[ anti-Brown Vs Board of Education, keep races apart] but was against the Viet Nam war.

Respectfully, President Obama things seem to have come full circle.

I am so dumb. Why are we fighting in Pakistan.

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