
Friday, January 13, 2012

implant, bypass, redirect/draft 1

implant, bypass, redirect/draft 1

edward w pritchard

I struggled for years to synchronize my efforts and actions properly, but to no avail. If my daily plans were well thought out and properly directed to achieve success for me they weren't timely. If timely and  properly carried out the plans and goals weren't really mine. If all systems, goals, plans and being in the here and now were appropriately attacked; failure resulted from internal self sabotage.

I saved my money and went to have the implant procedure. It's not painful but it takes a few hours to have the collective memories of two hundred of the most effective people of the last one hundred years surgically implanted in your neck.

After the operation a voice in my neck began to bypass my stumbling efforts at structuring a life for myself and instead  two hundred nurturing, effective, highly efficient consultant/friends advised my every step, every thought and action I took throughout my day. I didn't have the money just yet to have the proper philosophy and morals supplemental programs rider implanted originally, but soon I will.

In the meantime my two hundred new friends, my new collective voice since my  implant, inside my neck bypass my plans and schemes and methodically collectively redirects my every step throughout my day.

For me, for now I am just trying to readjust to my new way of attacking my world.

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