
Friday, August 10, 2012

Is there a military industrial complex; US supports rebels in Syria; but it seems irrational to our national interests/draft 1

Is there a military industrial complex; US supports rebels in Syria; but it seems irrational to our national interests/ draft 1

edward w pritchard

Nothing is more depressing than to realize that whichever  party in the US is in power, America's foreign policy involves our Country intervening in situations that are not in our direct national interest. Related, is for us as citizens to observe that high ranking women new as a group to power  politics end up being just as bellicose as the men in power, inclined to choose policies that lead to war. We had so hoped for change with diversity.

Honestly, we can't understand the rush to deploy warlike activities and violence in Syria and to mettle far from home. Syria appears to be act four or five of ten years of American military subterfuge in the Middle East and central Asia. Why must we pursue these expensive aggressive policies?

Bringing about a change of leadership in Syria is an intervention and a precedent that a world leader like the United States should approach with extreme caution. Any government in power, by the mere fact that it is in power deserves a certain amount of respect of it's sovereignty by other sitting governments. That's one of the ideas behind the concept of diplomacy and negotiations. Democratic nations should keep ambassadors in Countries they don't approve of because talking is better than fighting and it's prudent to deal with the legitimate government of those Countries we list for now as our enemies. The United States no longer has diplomatic relations with Syria because Syria has broken relations because of our Countries support of rebel forces. How else could Syria react?

Is there a military industrial complex that intervenes to promote war and violence? Is that a factor in the United States' choice to support freedom fighting rebel groups in Syria that are aligned with officially labeled groups that the US calls terrorists, such as Al qaeda, that we routinely chase throughout the world?

The military industrial complex in the United States, Al qaeda in the Middle East; perhaps it's just an example of two groups made up of individuals going about their jobs to support their families and  scratch out a living. Or, maybe the military industrial complex and Al qaeda are two irrational groups that have a vested interest in promoting war whenever the opportunity occurs.

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