
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Syrian War August 2012,The death of Chief Big Foot; Symbolic victim of America's rise to World power /draft 2



Syrian War August 2012, The death of chief Big Foot; Symbolic victim of America's rise to world power/ draft 2

edward w pritchard

As reported elsewhere of this blog American soldiers of the seventh cavalry carried Chief Big Foot  from his sickbed onto the field and shot him when he was suffering with pneumonia at the Battle of Wounded Knee in 1890.

Pneumonia is debilitating. Burning deep in the chest and lungs the victim is helplessly weak. Unable to much move. The will collapses in an attempt to buy the system time for miraculous recovery. Meanwhile the body retreats into itself racked with pain and fearing death. A slow demise destroys.

First to the hunt as a boy, honored in battle as a brave and revered as a Chief far and wide Chief Big Foot overcame his environment seeing himself as capable of miraculous accomplishments. Known as an excellent diplomat and negotiator Big foot realistically faced the Native Americans pre-ordained lost causes against the advancing American civilization and urged a defensive strategy based on the sorry facts.

By shooting Chief Big Foot, soldiers merely ended his life a few days or weeks early. A day earlier, unable to walk Big Foot as the White's called him, or Spotted Elk, his Indian name, was dragged by dogs on an Indian travois to the soldiers hospital to surrender. Sadly days later he lay dead, on the battle field,  grotesquely frozen. Someone  took his picture and history preserved his last picture; un-regal in death.

Mourn Chief Big Foot, a victim of America's Manifest Destiny; it was no way for a warrior to die.
Chief Big Foot we apologize sincerely for what we did to you. May your spirit guide our leaders meeting in Turkey today, 08/12/2012, as they discuss the situation in Syria. Before we unleash horrific bombs against Iran's under ground nuclear facilities causing unforeseen environmental damages or get drawn into a spreading Middle Eastern war far from home because of the randomness of causality that leads to unforseen major wars; please Big Foot send wisdom to our diplomats and silence the voices of aggression still very prevalent in our society.

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