
Friday, September 6, 2013

PITA, recall the preachers and send out the teachers

PITA, recall the preachers and send out the teachers

edward w pritchard

A cowboy takes care of horses. It grows on you being responsible for an animal that is so much stronger than we are but vulnerable because of the environment they find themselves in.

Most cowboys will eat a steak or fried chicken when it's offered but they know right where that cut of meat came from. It's not wrapped in plastic at a grocery store originally. Cowboys eat so they can work and stay alive and strong. A cowboy's philosophy toward animals is expressed in his day to day actions and activities. Cowboys treat animals with kindness and respect, even though cowboys aren't members of PITA. 

How we treat animals can moderate how we will eventually treat other people, even persons far away. More than a philosophy of kindness we need to take action to make the world a better place. Recall the preachers and send out the teachers.

Let's not bomb ordinary people across the oceans to teach the government of Syria a lesson. There is no PITA in far away Syria to protect refugees. Ordinary people in Syria sometimes find themselves refuges in an environment that is dangerous to their safety, well being and dignity.

The government in Syria might have used chemical weapons. Us bombing Syria is a hell of a way to make a point however sincere and high minded the intent of our leaders. Let's take action to make the world a better place. Recall the preachers who call for bombing in Syria to punish the Country for using chemical weapons and send out the teachers to encourage kindness and respect to living beings.

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