
Friday, May 30, 2014

looking up authoress Katherine Porter's skirts, it's never too late to learn how to understand women/draft 1

looking up authoress Katherine Porter's skirts, it's never too late to learn how to understand women/draft 1

edward w pritchard

Katherine Porter the American author published two remarkable short stories, "Rope" and " the Jilting of Granny Witherill." In both stories Porter reveals the female psyche in a unique and insightful unexpected way that is " original and not conventional. "

Women authors like women painters often are given short shift in terms of recognition and critical acclaim.

Who are the best Women authors?

Certainly Agatha Christie the prolific and highly published mystery writer and Joanna Bowling of Harry Potter fame have achieved enviable sales totals of books sold. However for this discussion of the great female writers they will be excluded, as will Anne Rice, perhaps because they all wrote formula novels for a popular audience.

George Elliot who wrote "Middlemarch", Jane Austin, Charlotte Bronte, and Virginia Wolfe belong on any list of the greatest female authors. 

Katherine Porter's work reflects her stormy life. Married several times, unable to have children, often sick or ill she suffered greatly and her life experiences are reflected in her writing. A beautiful woman who once wanted to be an actress or singer Katherine Porter was often at the center and fringes of the American literary and Hollywood scene.

Katherine Porter more than any writer this male reader has read most captures the intricacies of the male/female dance of love, hate and silent discord that is hiding in the heart of many relationships. If not at the heart somewhere suspected deep under the surface. 

Katherine Porter was an insightful psychologist of the female psyche. In addition to her novels such as " Ship of fools" made into an interesting movie starring Vivian Leigh at the end of her career and short stories Miss Porter's essays are excellent. See " the collected Essays and occasional writings" of Katherine Porter, Delacorte Press 1970. In particular two essays are '' original with unconventional insights"; see " The Necessary Enemy" regarding husband and wives, and " Marriage is Belonging" same subject same author.

Katherine Porter, an excellent female writer with something revealing and memorable to say whose work will stand the test of time. Would that I had been exposed to her sooner.   


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