
Saturday, May 17, 2014

oldest child; now a Man

oldest child; now a man

Edward w Pritchard

Some moments are memorable in life. One is the first instant when you looked into the eyes of your first baby. Many ancient connections were re-established at that instant. As you saw the eyes of your first child you were startled by the intelligence and wisdom of the Baby.

Something  cosmic occurs as you look at your new baby. For one moment you can see the future and past clearly and then it's gone and the baby and you have to relearn how to survive in this world again. You must begin to pass away and the baby must perform it's destiny; a destiny the child didn't not ask to receive.

Some people think life is a simulation. Existence is pre-programed by intelligent design. Remember the first instant when you looked into the soul of your first child. The clue to existence was flashed before your eyes for an instant.

Here's what I wrote before on the subject of the exchange of pre programed information between a parent and child at the first instance of their meeting and remembering each other.

first glance

edward w pritchard

After a full first pregnancy,
after a thirty or more hour ordeal of Labor by the Mother,
the baby was said to be in danger;
despite the planned natural childbirth,
pain medication was finally dictated by two capable female Hindu Physicians,
the Mother succumbed and took the medication proffered by the Doctors.

Doctor's taking charge, the baby was born,
the Mother weakened, tired and drugged,
the Doctor's gave the new baby boy to me to hold.

My first connection to birth or babies.

The boy strong and willful, twisted in my hands
seeming to object to the recent ordeal of birth.

Our eyes connected at first glance
seeing across generations, intentions, hopes and fears,
and troubles twenty years hence.

Initial programming complete,
two way communication established,
first contact with a new soul,
I handed the boy to the Doctor
and worried over his Mother

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