
Sunday, May 11, 2014

worry over those we love

worry over those we love

edward w pritchard

First off if there are five you care for and only one hurts and suffers it's not 80% good and 20% bad; like a balance, from that realization comes the insight to enable you to begin to relax and let go some of your fears and anxiety about those you love. Worry some but then try to do things to help as appropriate and then let things be. Hope for the best after that.

The blues says when things go wrong with you it hurts me too. This is oh so true of your children age whatever. When any one of your children suffer you are 100% worried despite the abundance of happiness accruing to your other children.

Forgive yourself for worrying over those you love; it is merely a sign that you aren't too self centered, instead you empathize with the pain of others. Your children age whatever are lucky to have a parent who worries over them.

Trust that things will improve, trust that whatever occurs you will bear it with a steady heart.

Get enough sleep, sit in the Sun for fifteen minutes a day and half of life's worries disappear. The other half of the worries that are left are probably real. Do something to help and then have faith that things will improve.

Don't judge and strive to foster human dignity come what may. Despite the percentages hope alleviates some of life's injustices. Relax if you can and begin to let go some of your fears and axieties about those you love.

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