
Saturday, January 26, 2019

Napoleon on technology again

Napoleon on technology again

edward w pritchard

The scene begins with Napoleon just having left Russia in 1812. Napoleon had just lost to the Russian winter, enterprising Russian peasants and mad cossacks marauders on horseback seeking revenge and spoils from his grand army [about 400,000 of his soldiers and personal friends dead]. Leaving Russia behind Napoleon must go back to France to suppress an over throw attempt on his
sovereignty to rule as Emperor.

Back then Napoleon was racing across Poland in winter in his horse carriage basically alone to get to France to regroup and start over sans one half million of his soldiers and loyal subjects. Once  arrived in France Napoleon would have only his personality to convince the French that he deserved an another chance to conquer and change the world.

The technology of the day would be ill suited to the task Napoleon faced. Only his pen to write letters
and his voice to make face to face speeches to convince.

Would that Napoleon had had Facebook friends, The internet, Siri the computer voice, bloggers, network newscasters,cellphones, minute by minute stock market updates worldwide, and presidential tweets to assist him.

How much easier would technology have made it for Napoleon to meet his Waterloo three years later in 1815. 

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