
Friday, January 11, 2019

sometimes I wish I was Catholic

sometimes I wish I was Catholic

edward w pritchard

The latest crisis in America is that the federal government is partially shut down and there is no one for the average person to grouse to if the shutdown seriously hurts them in some way because politically all the elected officials and federal and state public workers, like it or not are part of the problem and the buck doesn't stop anywhere anymore. Everyone is caught up in chaos of free markets run a muck.

My problem at the moment though concerns high US pharma prices not the federal government shutdown. Since I  don't currently have pharma coverage for prescriptions with my medicare which I pay for each month by the way, every few months my prescriptions go up in price at the Walmart. If I had a better phone with going online anywhere capabilities I could print a coupon for a discount off the higher prices using the  poor persons rate, only available once using special coupons online, or I could guess which of my  heart pills I could stop taking while I applied for a State Medicaid prescription subsidy card even though I feel by doing that I would be taking money from the state food stamp program which feeds lots of hungry children each day. I am also considering ordering the heart medicines from Canada or Mexico because there the heart pills I need are 80% cheaper than in America because of the clout of the big pharma lobbyists.

Sometimes I wish I were Catholic so I could complain to the Pope about the inequity people of modest means face in America because of the ruthlessness of unrestrained capitalism and the free markets. I read once that back in 1077 a Catholic Pope made the King  kneel in the snow before he would meet with him.

When folks in America have a good job and a big house in suburbia the system rewards them for their industriousness and good fortune. Given enough time in America however most simple folks find they or those they love are playing the game on an uneven playing field. That's about it from me for now since I don't even know the current Pope's name or address should I wish to contact him with my complaints.

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