
Friday, December 23, 2011

Wiemar Germany is where my heart finds fellowship/draft 1, part 11

Wiemar Germany is where my heart finds fellowship/draft 1, part 11

edward w pritchard

I have been reported to the party. Hans is not in a position now to help me for the Brown shirts have suddenly become out of favor.

It was a holiday and most of the clubs here in Berlin were closed. Many of the clubs have changed anyway for the elections of new officials have changed things.

I took the American banker from Kentucky to a man's house I knew from the twenties. Where Lotte and I went sometimes. The man and his wife were in business, prostitution from their house. The Mother was arrested now and only the daughter was there. She is under age. She put something into the businessman's drink to knock him out while I was standing outside waiting. The client  wouldn't wake up. I called the Doctor nearby.

The Doctor sat with the man from America. While we waited the girl and I were talking. I had a little too much to drink and I was disgusted with myself and life in general. The girl saddened me and made me feel bad for what I had done to Lotte.

I said the actress Marlene D. was putting on an act all the time. I told the girl about Marlene's self promotion. How she planned and promoted her own prowess sexually. Telling little innuendos. Having friends brag her up in public. I knew her, from when I was clubbing with Lotte. I told the girl sexually there isn't much difference from one person to another. So far what I told the girl was no real problem for me to say. I was just a tired rake crashing as he gets older. I said Marlene D.  the actress was thick through the middle and unattractive and the image she presented to the world was a charade. Like Germany itself.

Then I compared Marlene D to Adolph H the party leader. I said the leader was acting in the same way Marlena did. The leader had many people who promoted him. I said the leader was just like everybody else. I said it was all an illusion. I said I feared for Germany. I had read the book the leader wrote. I had read Mien Kampf.

The doctor could hear the girl and I talking. The doctor has reported me. Hans can't help me. There is trouble for the Brown shirts. The Brown shirts are the old in the party. The party wants to become legitimate. Bullies like my Brother Hans represent the old of the Party. They are an embarrassment.

Hans says he must lay low. He will do what he can to help me but I must watch what I say.
end of part 11

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