
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Suburban cowboy; Sunday morning blues

Suburban cowboy; Sunday morning blues

edward w Pritchard

I miss but don't remember the music in the mighty mouse cartoons that were on television on Sunday mornings back then. Of course I routed for mighty mouse, it was predictably good to always see him win and overcome the forces of disruption. Except I also identified with the wolves, so cool in their zoot suits. To be one of those zoot suited wolves whistling and eying the pretty girl in the skirt with a slit up the side. The skirt was racy in the mighty moose cartoon but the music when the wolves eyed the blond was orgiastic. Quickly old mighty mouse would come along and prevail over the wolves. The pretty blond with the glasses would go back to her librarian job, not to be.

It's always cloudy on Sunday mornings and there is never any bacon and eggs cooking around the drafty ranch house. The cook, the maid, the girl in a slit skirt and the pretty friend in the parlor to tell about what's in the newspaper are gone. The back forty is infertile and the well is dried up. There's no heat anymore, natural gas keeps getting cheaper and cheaper but no one can afford to turn on the furnace. There's no television either. Technology changed television, television is too complicated to watch and all the shows are about someone else getting paid to earn a living.

Sad music is available from the Internet. Johnny Cash " Sunday Morning coming down" for starters and then " I'll fly way". Maybe the four seasons, not Vivaldi  for now, the Four Seasons "Opus 17".
Check email for purloined letter from the past. Blog some jumbo-ed thoughts, in futility send.

There are ten churches within ten miles of here. None are of my philosophy. The good women at one of the churches do make some good apple dumplings. No one goes to church anymore, its too crowded. [ attributed Yogi Berra ] . No baseball till April either.

The exercise gym is closed Sunday. More music instead, Heifetz plays Mendelssohn.

Drive somewhere and look for something, maybe a Librarian will want to hear me talk about what's in the newspaper today.

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