
Friday, March 8, 2019

cut out the middlemen

cut out the middlemen

edward w pritchard

Often am I warned in advertisements by life-alert and others that nefarious Iranian, Russian and African teenagers are attempting to hack my computer, cable TV remote and front door lock to spy on me and peek at my past due credit card bills. What do the Iranians know about me- my enemies are the IRS and the Ohio bureau of motor vehicles in collusion with the car insurance industry.

Why don't we cut out the middlemen and pay the ambitious hackers in Iran, Russia and Africa to secretly monitor the sitting President's son in law and immediate family members phone and computers to see which New York Investment bank they have contacted recently to see what the first family in DC is up to. It would save the tax papers a lot of money on subpoena's and lawyers once the first family are all out of office and out of the white house.

The folks in government in DC. It's like when you are sleeping soundly and you wake suddenly because your arm has been over your head in an awkward position not being moved for a while and not received enough blood and you panic temporarily to learn what it means to have a useless appendage.

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