
Friday, March 22, 2019

the last conversation

the last conversation

edward w pritchard

In my philosophy humans are the only animals that remembers and reminisces about our ancestors and acquaintances after they are dead. I have no knowledge about whales or elephants in this matter.
It always steamed me to read of some European King or Roman Emperor who would have someone dug up from their grave to be tortured again after death because the Great Roman Emperor had forgotten to get in one last jibe when his former political foe was alive. Please Mr. Trump do not speak ill of Senator McCain the former prisoner of war.  It's unbecoming.

My Father's older brother was a former prisoner of war. Tortured by the Nazi's during which he lost a lung. My last conversation with my Uncle was about how he and my Father as boys would fight and my Uncle the older brother would win and then both would get a whipping for fighting again from their Father.When I told my uncle that at his brother's funeral about him and my Father, he started crying. I always admired my Uncle the ex soldier and imagined I could endure pain and sorrow like him if necessary.

Please President Trump don't speak ill of former soldier Senator McCain.

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