
Saturday, March 9, 2019

meet me at the border wall Mr. Bezos

Meet me at the border wall Mr. Bezos

edward w pritchard

I saw an interview of George Harrison former Beatle a few months before he died poignantly saying
" everyone is dying and no one seems to be doing anything about it." Now I see Jeff Bezos richest man in the world is facing the same wall. Rich or poor, good or bad everyone ages and dies.

Jeff Bezos recently has done a make over on himself, lost weight, got a new friend and is investing in and learning about a company called life extension which I assume has a business plan to help wealthy white guys live forever or at  least a lot longer.

George Harrison studied Buddhism to find peace and Jeff Bezos looked into space travel and helping
put people in space in personal space pods.

Alas as every philosopher throughout history finds out "no matter how rich you are eventually you must get back to Mother earth" [ Memphis Slim-writer].

If back in the 1990's I had invested in Amazon instead of Lycos I could be facing the same problem
of how to use my wealth to live forever. I wasn't thinking straight then at all.  How could I not invest in an internet startup that was going to lower the cost of delivering books to people. Maybe if I had attended Princeton like Jeff.

Meet me at the border wall Jeff and we will walk down to the mountains of Equador and find medicinal plants and a lifestyle to extend our lives. Please fill your pockets with gold coins before you leave Jeff. Not bitcoins so we have some money which always make the great journey a little easier.

"Where are the snows of yesteryear?" Francois Villon

" all things to nothing descend
grow old and die and meet their end" Master Wace

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