
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

watching the shimmy she shake

watching the shimmy she shake

edward w pritchard

There was no imminent war going on or threatening to start to keep us apart and the only thing keeping me and Lois McAllisiter from connecting there in her families living room was my shyness.

We had went to mass earlier this evening , the McAllister's were  Catholic, I was wasn't, and Lois was happy with me.

As she came down the steps Lois wearing the white Chino slacks and pink top I liked Lois decided to demonstrate the shimmy she shake for my benefit. Where a nice Catholic girl like Lois ever learned to move her shoulders and arms like that I will never know but the dance she performed got the desired effect.

Lois' brother, who played football on the high school team with me,  who was upstairs in his room that evening, never would look me in the eyes again.  I guess Lois and I were a little loud.

Lois has been out of my life for going on half a century but sometimes it's nice to remember when a nice girl would exhibit her sexuality. Such things as the shimmy she shake were not taught to young ladies then but seem in retrospect to be a spontaneous response to the situation at hand.

It was a different more innocent age before, back then .


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