
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

alone in my tent/ part 2

alone in my tent part 2

Edward w Pritchard

Often have I been alone in a crowd but never alone in my tent. Relationships challenge me, solitude fortifies and exhilarates. I let God attend to those I love and worry about; into his hands I accept their safety.

A proper tent may be swung in the rear bed of a Ford pickup truck. A tarp, wires and rope provide a proper nest for up to four days and nights. Three inches of foam and a four season sleeping bag ensure a warm rest. A working radio is a plus.

A burbling racing River is an ideal location for a pup tent. A small fire started with a flint and steel from tenders of oil soaked Birch bark and flood debris ignored of late by the raging stream provide warmth. In a pinch I drink lake or river water with no long term harmful effects since boyhood, not recommended for others however.

Companionship with a woman in a tent is fine provided we are on a short significant quest. Such as with Marilyn Monroe on the " River of No Return", at least until we get back to the gold camp. Then, it's on my way alone again.

Wood is in the public domain. Use it sparingly but as needed for fire and light. A bright fire fortifies the drooping soul.

Red sunrises are inspirational. Arise early and easy from your tent. A fish, a squirrel or rabbit provide adequate nourishment for up to three days. After that it's McDonald's fish or Wendy's chili. Convenience store beer at dusk is good.

There are no sacred sparks in the flint and steel I use and no spirits in the fire. If I kill an animal for food I am just grateful not to be hungry. Nature is harsh but does not anthropomorphically challenge me.

After a few days in nature I can appreciate the bounty of civilization. It helps me to appreciate clean abundant water, a roaring furnace silently working day to day all winter, and the dollar menu at McDonald's, always waiting for a half pocketful of small coins.

Often have I been alone in a crowd but never alone in my tent.

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