
Friday, January 10, 2014

don't blame the government and federal reserve for low labor force participation rates

don't blame the Government and federal reserve for low labor force participation rates

Edward w Pritchard

Don't blame the government and federal reserve entirely for low labor force participation rates and extended persistent unemployment rates in the US above 5%. They are only 75% to blame.

The blame for the other 25% of the problem goes to a new generation of management and personnel persons in US business. Orwellian Prescreening of applicants, not calling back non selected potential employees who will cease to be potential customers going forward and high handedness by hiring personnel in the trenches are the other 25% to blame. Looking for a job is a chore, not an opportunity. Upper management shields itself from new workers and new hires and then lets human resource professionals sabotage the companies reputation locally by being a poor citizen, being un-neighborly and being unlikeable and insensitive to the community of unemployed persons.

There are too many reasons to list of what constitutes insensitivity but one is online computerized prescreening tests that are unrealistic deterrents for a job paying minimum wage and that the companies wishes to eventually eliminate or make a part time position. Companies treat unemployed people as worthless and break most federal regulations by their de facto hiring practices.

American businesses, get off your asses and treat potential employees like neighbors, friends and future customers before it's too late for your business. More and more Americans are choosing to do with less rather than work for you and more and more Americans are dropping out of the materialistic lifestyle necessary to keep full employment and the sacred 3% plus GDP growth that makes the merry go round that is the US economy work.

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