
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

appalachian trail, day hiker brings along his car for backup/ part 2

Appalachian trail, day hiker brings along his car for back up/ part 2

Edward w Pritchard

After twenty miles of walking and then proper food and drink sometimes a man's attention can turn to the fairer sex, especially in the spring in the Grand and beautiful State of Virginia.

There are more women than you would think walking alone or in twos on the Appalachian trail. However with the exception of Jolene who I discussed earlier as the woman strapping on and shouldering a heavy backpack very few of the motivated and capable women on the Appalachian trail were quite my cup of tea. Of course no one was much interested in me anyway but it got me to thinking of how unfair and what an injustice we do in our opinions and acclivities for strong motivated capable women.

A woman doesn't have to be beautiful to be attractive. Sexual attraction wears unusual wardrobes at times. Still a certain amount and dosage of femininity is required. A pioneer woman is admirable, capable and a great partner once you know her. It's the same with a woman who can carry a fifty pound pack on the double quick up and down mountain sides. Still to meet a woman she must have certain intangibles to get the attention of a man.

My ideal woman was the television character played by Kathleen Nolan on the show " the Real Mc Coys."  Kate Mc. Coy was the new wife married to Luke. She was the pretty demur sweet pioneer wife on the family farm in California headed by Grandpa Mc Coy of ancient pioneer American stock in 1957.

Back as a boy I mentioned my attentions for Kathleen Nolan to a couple of guys on my little league baseball team once and they showed me her picture in playboy. Wow what a juxtaposition.

There was Kathleen Nolan in her glory in Playboy the woman I viewed as the ideal pioneer wife from watching her on my favorite TV show week after week. It worked for me.

Ladies thank you for being you.

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