
Sunday, March 9, 2014

suspense and surprise grip the world over the missing airliner

suspense and surprise grip the world over the missing airliner

Edward w Pritchard

As I write this we, the world anxiously waits for news in suspense and in surprise over the fate of the passengers on a missing Malaysian airliner.

Suspense because the airliner disappeared from the tracking grid and surprise because despite rescue efforts no trace of the airplane can be detected. It's unusual now a days for anything to be off the grid.

We are surprised and fearful for awhile that no one seems to know with certainty what has happened to the missing plane.

Missing people cause us distress. Each missing passenger has people distressed over their fate. In such a situation fearful grieving loved ones do not want to hear scientific explanations or probabilities. People terrified of the worse for their loved ones want to believe in an all powerful God who orders events and outcomes and can miraculously rescues those they love.

When things happen out of the ordinary it can temporarily upset the order of the World, even a world ruled by probabilities and scientific explanations.

Secretly, ask God this Sunday morning for a positive outcome for the missing passengers on the Malaysian Plane.

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