
Friday, March 7, 2014

Leon Russell has lived long and changed much

Leon Russell has lived long and changed much

Edward w Pritchard

What if you had to predict what an avatar of Leon Russell the talented singer and song writer would morph into over a long and productive career as a musician?

Leo Russell super talented back up sideman, solo artist, becomes song writer extraordinaire, becomes piano man. Leon Russell hangs out in the 60's and 70's with Dylan, George Harrison, and the shelter people a very, vary unique group of friends and admirers.

Leon Russell creative genius could belt out a song. Every few years a different style, familiar in a why didn't I think of that it seems like you heard the tune before way, just after Leon coined it.

Leon Russell so subtlety cool. He goes from looking like a shy fifty's character to a white haired avatar of god.

Leon Russell one of America's unique avatars. To dissect the American character start with Leon Russell. Start with him as a four year old piano playing genius with impeccable timing and end with Leon as an old man with a cane looking like an avatar of god sitting off stage in the twilight of his life. Leon smiling and watching while others sing the music he wrote.

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