
Friday, March 21, 2014

moving on after awkward

moving on after awkward

Edward w Pritchard   

Some of us are too sensitive and it's difficult to move on with life after an awkward moment and an awkward moment involves most any social situation. Say or intimate the wrong thought or sentiment and some ones toes are stepped upon and an awkward silence hearkens hurt feelings.

Easier sometimes to spend time alone, with the horses or in nature. Perhaps a long walk tomorrow.

Sometimes it's just better to be busy without time or inclination to analyze the behavior of others.

As for myself life was so much easier after a beer or two; taking the edge off of remembrance of the things said and done and for an hour it's a mellow mindfulness.

 Whistle a sad tune and throw a rock at the half Moon and try to forget another day until nightly dreams reinterprets events and tomorrow forgets yesterday.

Alone in a crowd and melancholy in solitude.

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