
Monday, February 25, 2019

Celtic thoughts blown about by the strong winds of the waning gibbous

Celtic thoughts blown about by the strong winds of the waning gibbous

edward w pritchard

When winds do howl for days on end like it or not we return to our Celtic roots, folklore and customs. It is an auspicious time for it occurs less than a dozen times in a life time.

Before retiring set a shilling on the night stand for roving revelers at night always demand money. Don't gaze directly at a hobby horse should it appear in your yard and mock not instead show mild surprise. Smile, say not a word. Paint or blood may be smeared on your door accompanied by 17 verses of off key chanting. Do not make eye contact. Offer beer if you have it but under no circumstances should it be carried by a pretty woman or daughter.

Nod, feign lack of hearing and stand straight quietly. You have either been judged a drudge by the community at large or have received a great honor.

After they leave turn three times in a circle to the left. Return to bed but do not sleep with a pillow for seven days, eight if it is rainy. In the morning gather up any debris the revelers have dropped but do not burn it instead burrow it in a South corner of you property on the second night of the next full moon.

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