
Tuesday, February 5, 2019

render unto Caesar

render unto Caesar

edward w pritchard

Of all the chains that restrict and bind us none so odious as the invisible hand of government in the marketplace.

Driving a car, owning property, buying anything legally and consuming heat, water and light soon come to be taxed directly or indirectly by local, state or federal government. Of course earning money to buy things and pay the taxes is first taxable a portion before received.

Henri David Thoreau was aimlessly and harmlessly strolling about Massachusetts in the 19th century
probably observing the squirrels at work when he chanced to meet local tax collector Sam Staples.
Lo, Henri found out he owed a poll tax past due six years of a few hundred dollars in today's money. Probably to cover the fact he didn't have that kind of money handy Thoreau used his objection to slavery as manifest through the federal governments invasion of Mexico in 1846 as his reason not to pay the tax and Thoreau promptly found himself in jail.

Of course poll taxes are illegal today but still exist in other odious forms. All Americans must have  a mailing address so tax collector Sam Staples can easily find you. Should your mailing address not be known as evidenced by your one and only address on your updated driver's license; it is a Patriot Act violation.

Keep pedaling the bicycle that takes you into the future as fast as you can. At least one department of government has plans to turn you over to a collection agency for something ordinary but indispensable you will soon do that is now legal and customary but is soon to be made illegal making you an enemy of the people.

Chaucer the Englishman said it best, and I shall try to follow his advice " we mustn't take the game too seriously".

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