
Monday, June 27, 2011

Come Jack, poor Jack-part 6

Come Jack, poor Jack-part 6

edward w pritchard

Jack the Ripper- Mr. Pritchard allow me to start

Author- Ok, , [intrigued]

Jack- you went to London on your vacation, and didn't take the Jack the Ripper tour

Author- yes, I didn't know about it then

Jack, Ok, but you are  a strange duck. You spent all your time in London at the British museum and the National Gallery,- well I guess it takes all kinds.

Author- Jack were you an American?

Jack the Ripper - Heavens no, that's an insulting thing to say, You must be thinking I was Tumblety, the mad American Doctor who collected wombs.No I have problems but I definitely wasn't American.

Author But you did take two rings from the Chapman girl

Jack the ripper- well maybe or maybe not who is to say, that maybe some-one  who lived in White Chapel came on the body there on the street and just took the rings. The people there were very poor. It was sad. The police or Scotland yard could never understand how there were no witnesses to what I did. My ghastly crimes. But, think about it, Would a person living in poverty in an American ghetto now want to report a crime or what they heard or saw to the police?  I was lucky yes but times were different then. Once on one of the crimes I forget which, several people looked out of their [apartment] windows at me as I finished my work. I am sure I saw their faces watching me before they pulled away.

Author Could the police now have caught you with modern forensic methods

Jack- well they would certainty have arrested someone from the likely suspects. Maybe the crazy Kosminski or the eccentric Tumblety or someone. DNA evidence will find a suspect guilty of something eventually.

Author Do you consider yourself a violent person

Jack the ripper- yes, brutally so; one has no idea of what I was capable of.

Author- Tell me about the night of the double murders

Jack- Well sometimes we just feel  especially motivated, like doing more than usual. Don't glare at me so judgmentally. I will be serious. That night things didn't go as planned and I had to improvise a little. I thought it finished well, for me at least. I was rather lucky that night ; lucky to escape right under their noses. 

Author- I need a break
end part 6

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