
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Come Jack, poor Jack

Come Jack, poor Jack

edward w pritchard

Author-Come Jack, poor Jack ; tell my readers what you told me. About the White Chapel murders. Please, tell my readers what you told me.

Jack the ripper- All right. Don't take offense, but since there aren't many readers; I'll tell my story.
First why do I tell it here? I read what you wrote about jack the ripper plans his vacation [ may 15 blog] and it was an interesting intuition. So I came here with my story.
 I went for my vacation in 1888 to White Chapel. For my vacation I wanted a little excitement of the particular kind that stimulates me. Five brutal murders they said. Well first I'll say maybe five murders maybe many more.
Jack continues
Next , how  was I able to move about undetected. Do I  come from Hell?  Isn't what I did evidence of that?
Let me go on until I tire of this. What would you like to ask me? I know I will interest the readers here.
Everyone is afraid they are a little like me. Everyone is afraid that when I am unmasked and exposed they will be staring straight at them self. Ask me questions, let your morbid curiosity wander to London, England 1888. What would you like to ask me, the White Chapel caped murderer, the infamous Jack the Ripper?

end part 1

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