
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

advice to old men

advice to old men

edward w Pritchard

If you have neglected planting your seedlings and bulbs in the Spring there is still time to do it in the Fall. Trick is to find the right time to plant in the Fall and the right plant to work with. It's easy in the Spring to tend to gardening, follow the general guidelines and nature takes care of the rest; beautiful colorful flowers will bloom later. Any day or time is the right time in the Spring to tend to gardening duties.

In the Fall days can be cool and nights cold. Soil temperatures vary and plants can be difficult to germinate. Fear not however, Nature provides clues as to when is the ideal time to plant in the Fall.

One day after many cold nights a million lady bugs will appear. Hundreds will hang on your chest and shoulders as you work about the yard. Delicate beautiful gentle ladybugs will appear everywhere.
That is a man's signal to plant in his garden even if he has neglected his gardening duties in the Spring or his spring crop has failed.

As the ladybugs drift about use appropriate instruments to dig shallow holes and place bulbs and seeds in the warm moist grounds for planting. Come Spring a cornucopia of colorful flowers will brighten your days and soothe your balmy nights.

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