
Thursday, October 24, 2013

who makes opinion/ part one

who makes opinion/ part one

edward w Pritchard

Nobody notices or much cares about an invalid laying there in a hospital bed month after month. The cost is astronomical now days, ten million dollars a year if the Hospital can collect. Morey had a unique illness and it was critical to keep him in Critical care at the Cleveland Clinic to be around the best of the best specialists and technology to keep him alive. Morey's Dad paid the bills, and Morey's Dad could afford it he was one of those early social networking billionaires so he could afford  to pay the round the clock hospital care for fifty or so more years before he had to economize. Morey didn't have fifty years, he had only a few weeks or months like his Mother who had the same illness and lasted two weeks in Hospice there at the same Hospital. Morey's Dad came to see his only son  every day and vowed Morey would always have the best care available.

Morey was a sad sight, ten or more tubes and special experimental machines and wires sticking out of him. Pills and vials of medicine everywhere and nurses and technicians came in his room  every two to five minutes 24 hours per day.

One can only watch so much wheel of fortune laying there in his hospital bed. One can't read when one is constantly dizzy from taking medication.

Morey became Morey Days and he influenced mass behavior like no one ever has done before from a hospital bed or from the towers of Madison avenue. Morey became the man who makes public opinion using his blog to dictate taste and preference to masses of American youth.
end part one

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