
Monday, October 28, 2013

horse and buggy thinking part 3

horse and buggy thinking part 3

Edward w Pritchard

This report may not be duplicated/ confidential

Detective's report/ draft notes/ Donald Howard
London, England
to Strettsboro, Ohio
Attorney Isley
October 2013

Please forgive my informality as you were in a rush to see the information I enclose what I have. We need more time to discuss the education system for young girls in Pakistan. Maybe two weeks. Here is what I have to date on the girl, Aara.

The girl is healthy and typical for age of 12 except she is smaller than usual. The young girl is of much above average IQ and is considered beautiful. Her looks are not typical for a girl of Pakistan. She looks Kurdish or European.

The girl is nicknamed " little sticks", Aara  picks up small sticks often after school for use in a family fire. Wood is difficult to obtain as it has been used for fuel where Aara's family lives for thousands of years.  The father raises Yaks and sells items related to yaks to support the family. Family life is typical, girl appears appropriately cared for.

Aara's ex school teacher was interviewed. Aara was the most successful student in the class and school and was introduced to algebra and geometry at a young age because the teacher fears she will be taken out of school soon as are most girls of her age here. Aara is gifted in language and music and enjoys reading. Aara is shy but not at school. Aara has received straight A's in all subjects for several years. Her behavior is good but she was in two fights last year, one with a boy who was teasing her friend. If the teacher had to leave the room she usually puts Aara in charge. Aara enjoys talking with adults and is curious about Turkey, Great Britain and China. Aara once wrote a paper about Kafka which required a meeting with the Principal, the Principal did not understand the story, which was quite good said the teacher.

Aara would like to continue school and be a Doctor, lawyer [ in Turkey] or a beautician here in Pakistan. She would like to visit the Buddhist shrines in India. She and her family are Moslem.

update in 5 days

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