
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Will anne Rice Go to Hell? part 3?

Will Anne Rice go to Hell/part 3?

edward w pritchard

"Objection, " said the Counselor for Mrs. Rice"

Judge-" I thought we agreed Mr. Pritchard could give testimony on History, Philosophy and as a writer, despite his lack commercial success."

Counselor for Mrs. Rice, a woman, "yes we agree but no Religious testimony from Pritchard in the trial of should Anne Rice go to Hell".

Judge- "continue Mr. Pritchard, speak as a philosopher of sorts, What is a brief, please, a brief summary of the case against the existence of eternal suffering in Hell, from a non-religious point of view? "

Pritchard-, " thank you your Honor for allowing me to be here today, Well, I would think Epicurus [ 341-241 BC] in "Principal Doctrines" said it best, about the idea of an after life in general, expressed very briefly," " Death means nothing to us [ his followers] for that which is dissolved is without sensation" "and concerning suffering in Hell, even should such a place exist" " Pain does not last continuously in the flesh" but " even the acutest pain is only there for a very short while".

Judge- "thank-you, Mr. Pritchard, then from a non religious point of view can we agree that eternal suffering seems unlikely?

Council for Catholic Church- "we can agree to that while reinforcing the point that Mrs. Rice, the defendant was schooled in Catholic Dogma and Doctrine, is an intelligent woman and has the ability and had the opportunity to understand the ramifications of writing pornographic literature"

Mrs. Rice Counsel-"objection, they are trying to be Judge and Jury again your Honor"

Judge- " yes, yes, Ok- let's move forward"

Judge "Mr Pritchard- please in you opinion as a sort of writer  answer Prosecutors question of " Is Mrs. Rice" a successful, and influential writer".

Pritchard- " I understand she has sold over 100 million books and her books have been made into several movies"

Prosecutor- Mr. Pritchard, "-Have you read her Work"?

Pritchard- "only a part of "The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty "

Prosecutor- " Would you consider that work pornographic?"

Mrs. Rice's Counsel- "objection"

Judge- yes prosecutor, let's get back to that after we continue to review the argument for the existence of Hell some more, try to agree if Mrs. Rice believes in a Catholic Hell because of early training, and if the fact that Mrs. Rice  claims to be an Atheist is a defense for her."  

Judge- "thank you Mr. Pritchard you may step down, subject to recall tomorrow when we resume. Thank you Counsel and Mrs. Rice in absentia, Court adjourned. "
end part 3

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